35 fakta dunia tentang sex
Berikut ini, ada sejumlah fakta mengenai seks yang terungkap oleh penelitian, termasuk fakta seks atau kasus yang terkait dengan public figure. apa aja itu.....
1. Seorang laki-laki menghasilkan 3 juta sel sperma baru setiap 1 jam selama hidupnya.
2. Bintang film porno berusia 70 tahun, Annie Sprinkle menyatakan telah melakukan hubungan sex dengan lebih dari 3.000 orang pria.
3. 5% lelaki mengaku melakukan onani dua kali sehari.
4. Penerbit Hustler, Larry Flynt mengaku bahwa pengalaman sex pertamanya adalah dengan ayam.
5. Seorang yang gantung diri akan mengalami ereksi ketika ia sekarat.
6. 97% perempuan kulit putih melakukan operasi payudara.
7. Mantan Persiden Kuba, Batista, sangat marah terhadap pertumbuhan pornografi Amerika dan Eropa, karena menyebabkan hilangnya bisnis prostitusi lokal.
8. Pengalaman seks pertama John Lennon adalah digosok-gosok dengan tangan oleh orang yang tidak ia kenal saat ia berusia 12 tahun.
9. Pelacur yang cerdas adalah pelaku seks yang tidak normal.
10. Para mahasiswa lebih banyak melakukan oral seks daripada jebolan sekolah menengah, dan perempuan dengan titel Ph.D, lebih banyak kemungkinannya melakukan hubungan seks sambil lalu.
11. Perempuan lebih mudah terkena penyakit kelamin daripada kaum lelaki.
12. Oral seks adalah perbuatan ilegal di Arizona, Florida, Minnesota, Lousiana, sebagian Michigan, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah dan Virginia. Di Idaho, hal itu bisa membawa anda ke penjara.
13. Satu dari tiga orang lelaki berbohong terhadap pasangannya. Sebaliknya, satu dari empat orang perempuan berbohong kepada pasanganya. Namun hanya 28% perempuan yang berbohong dan ketahuan.
14. Seks yang sehat membakar antara 100 hingga 200 kalori.
15. Seorang anak perempuan usia 15 tahun di Mississippi diperbolehkan menikah tanpa izin orangtuanya, tapi harus menunggu satu tahun untuk diperbolehkan secara legal berhubungan seks.
16. 70% CEO Amerika memperbolehkan terjadinya affair di kantornya.
17. Kebanyakan lelaki orgasme enam menit setelah terjadi penetrasi.
18. JFK kehilangan keperjakaannya dengan seorang pelacur seharga 3 dollar.
19. Selama tahun 70-an, banyak orang Thailand yang memotong kemaluan suaminya yang mabuk dan menjadikannya pakan ternak. Maka sering terdengar kaum lelaki Thailand yang meninggalkan bar dengan mengatakan Lebih baik saya pulang, atau pasangan saya akan menjadikan kemaluan saya sebagai makanan babi
20. Rekor terbesar penis adalah 12 inci, pada saat ereksi.
21. Kebanyakan orang yang melakukan prostitusi adalah mereka yang sudah menikah.
22. Usia kedewasaan di USA berkisar antara 16 hingga 18 tahun. Namun di Hawaii, usia 14 tahun sudah diperbolehkan melakukan hubungan seks sebagaimana orang dewasa.
23. 90% kaum lelaki merasa bahagia dengan pengalaman seks pertamanya, sebaliknya hanya 66 % kaum perempuan yang merasakannya.
24. Hingga tahun 1972, homoseksual dianggap sebagai penyakit mental. Dikategorikan demikian karena diikuti dengan penyakit schizophrenia dan kepribadian ganda.
25. Rata-rata usia baik untuk laki-laki maupun perempuan melakukan seks adalah 17 tahun.
26. Kebanyakan lelaki mencapai puncak lebih sedikit pada saat menerima 10 tantangan seksual sepanjang hidupnya.
27. Baik laki-laki maupun perempuan cenderung lebih suka mencapai orgasme lebih awal.
28. Kondom bisa bertahan selama sebulan dalam dompet sebelum menjadi molor yang membuatnya mudah sobek.
29. Rekor orgasme lelaki adalah 16 kali dalam satu jam.
30. Perempuan mencapai puncak seksualitasnya pada usia 30-an dan kaum lelaki pada akhir usia belasan.
31. Perempuan yang merokok rata-rata memiliki pasangan seks dua kali lebih banyak dibandingkan perempuan yang tidak merokok.
32. Nyamuk yang berhubungan seks di udara, aktivitas seksnya hanya berlangsung selama 2 (dua) detik.
33. Kata-kata gymnasium berasal dari bahasa Yunani gymnazein, yang memiliki arti olah-raga telanjang, yang sering kali dilakukan oleh orang Yunani. Inilah mengapa semua orang di Yunani kuno sehat-sehat lihat saja patung-patungnya.
34. Rata-rata lelaki memikirkan seks setiap tujuh menit.
35. Manusia dan lumba-lumba adalah satu-satunya makhluk yang menjadikan seks suatu kenikmatan.
sumber: sex education
How to Express Difficult Feelings
Feelings Versus Thoughts and Beliefs
Feelings and thoughts are different, but also are one and the same. They are like the head and tail of a coin. We react to events with both thoughts and feelings. Feelings are emotions, and sensations, and they are different from thoughts, beliefs, interpretations, and convictions. When difficult feelings are expressed, the sharp edges are dulled, and it is easier to release or let go of the bad feeling. If we only express our beliefs about the event and not the feelings, the bad feelings linger and are often harder to release. Whenever someone says, "I feel that..." the person is about to express a belief, not a feeling.
Guidelines For Expressing Feelings
Try to be specific rather than general about how you feel. Consistently using only one or two words to say how you are feeling, such as bad or upset, is too vague and general. What kind of bad or upset? (irritated, mad, anxious, afraid, sad, hurt, lonely, etc.).
Specify the degree of the feelings, and you will reduce the chances of being misunderstood. For example, some people may think when you say, "I am angry" means you are extremely angry when you actually mean a "little irritated".
When expressing anger or irritation, first describe the specific behavior you don’t like, then your feelings. This helps to prevent the other person from becoming immediately defensive or intimidated when they first hear "I am angry with you", and they could miss the message.
If you have mixed feelings, say so, and express each feeling and explain what each feeling is about. For example: "I have mixed feelings about what you just did. I am glad and thankful that you helped me, but I didn’t like the comment about being stupid. It was disrespectful and unnecessary and I found it irritating".
Techniques for Expressing Feelings
The two following - I feel statements and I messages will help you:
Express feelings productively.
Respectfully confront someone when you are bothered by his or her behavior.
Express difficult feelings without attacking the self-esteem of the person.
Clarify for you and the other person precisely what you feel.
Prevent feelings from building up and festering into a bigger problem.
Communicate difficult feelings in a manner that minimizes the other person’s need to become defensive, and increases the likelihood that the person will listen.
When you first start using these techniques they will be cumbersome and awkward to apply, and not very useful if you only know them as techniques. However, if you practice these techniques and turn them into skills, it will be easy for you to express difficult feelings in a manner that is productive and respectful.
Which of the two methods you use for expressing your feelings should depend on your goal, the importance or difficulty of your feelings and the situation.
I feel statements are used in situations that are clear and fairly simple, when you what to express yourself and avoid a buildup of feelings without attacking or hurting the self-esteem of the other.
I messages are used in more complex situations to clarify for yourself and the other person just what you are feeling when a) you have difficult negative feelings, b) you confront someone and want them to change their behavior, and c) it is very sensitive and important that the other person accurately understand.
I Feel Statements
These statements take the form of "When you did that thing I felt this way. That thing is a behavior of the other person, and this way is your specific feelings. Here are some examples:
"I felt embarrassed when you told our friends how we are pinching pennies."
"I liked it when you helped with the dishes without being asked."
"I feel hurt and am disappointed that you forgot our anniversary".
I Messages
It is called an I message because the focus is on you, and the message is about yourself. This is in contrast to a You message which focuses on and gives a message about the other person. When using I messages you take responsibility for your own feelings, rather than accusing the other person of making you feel a certain way. A You message does not communicate a feeling, but a belief about the other person. The essence of an I message is "I have a problem", while the essence of a You message is "You have a problem".
There are four parts to an I message:
When ... Describe the person’s behavior you are reacting to in an objective, non-blameful, and non-judgmental manner.
The effects are ... Describe the concrete or tangible effects of that behavior. (This is the most important part for the other person to understand - your reaction.)
I feel ... Say how you feel. (This is the most important part to prevent a buildup of feelings.)
I’d prefer ... Tell the person what you want or what you prefer they do. You can omit this part if it is obvious.
The order in which you express these parts is usually not important. Here are some examples:
" When you take company time for your personal affairs and then don’t have time to finish the urgent work I give you, I get furious. I want you to finish the company’s work before you work on your personal affairs."
"I lose my concentration when you come in to ask a question, and I don’t like it. Please don’t interrupt me when I am working unless it is urgent."
"It is very hard for me to keep our place neat and clean when you leave your clothes and other stuff laying around. It creates a lot more work for me and it takes a lot longer, and I get resentful about it. I’d prefer that you put your clothes away and put your trash in the basket."
"I resent it when your flirting with the women keeps you from having time for your work, because it means more work for me."
Common Mistakes
Not expressing a feeling at all, expressing a belief or judgment.
Sending a disguised You message.
Only expressing negative feelings.
The nonverbal body language contradicting the words. For example, smiling when irritated.
Practice these techniques and turn them into useful skills. Make it easy for yourself to spontaneously express difficult feelings in a manner that is productive and respectful.
If you are having trouble coming up with more than 3 or 4 words for feelings, here is a Feelings Word List.
Feelings Word List
Positive Feelings
loved, adored, idolized, alive, wanted, lustful, worthy, pity, respected, empathy, awed, enthusiastic, zealous, courageous
enchanted, ardor, infatuated, tender, vibrant, independent, capable, happy , proud, gratified, worthy, sympathetic, important, concerned, appreciated, consoled, delighted, eager, optimistic, joyful, courage, hopeful, valiant, brave, brilliant
liked, cared for, esteemed, affectionate, fond, excited, patient, strong, gay, inspired, anticipating, amused, yearning, popular, peaceful, appealing, determined, pleased, excited, jolly, relieved, glad, adventurous, peaceful, intelligent
friendly, regarded, benevolent, wide awake, at-ease, relaxed, comfortable, content, keen, amazed, alert, sure, attractive, approved, untroubled, graceful, turned on, warm, amused, daring, comfortable, smart, interested
Negative Feelings
unpopular, listless, moody, lethargic, gloomy, dismal, discontented, tired, indifferent, unsure, impatient, dependent, unimportant, regretful, bashful, puzzled, self-conscious, edgy, upset, reluctant, timid, mixed-up, sullen, provoked
suspicious, envious, enmity, aversion, dejected, unhappy, bored, forlorn, disappointed, wearied, inadequate, ineffectual, helpless, resigned, apathetic, shy, uncomfortable, baffled, confused, nervous, tempted, tense, worried, perplexed, troubled, disdainful, contemptuous, alarmed, annoyed, provoked
disgusted, resentful, bitter, detested, fed-up, frustrated, sad, depressed, sick, dissatisfied, fatigued, worn-out, useless, weak, hopeless, forlorn, rejected, guilty, embarrassed, inhibited, bewildered, frightened, anxious, dismayed, apprehensive, disturbed, antagonistic, vengeful, indignant, mad, torn
hate, unloved, abhor, despised, angry, hurt, miserable, pain, lonely, cynical, worthless, impotent, futile, accursed, abandoned, estranged, degraded, humiliated, shocked, panicky, trapped, horrified, afraid, scared, terrified, threatened, infuriated, furious, exhausted
Feelings and thoughts are different, but also are one and the same. They are like the head and tail of a coin. We react to events with both thoughts and feelings. Feelings are emotions, and sensations, and they are different from thoughts, beliefs, interpretations, and convictions. When difficult feelings are expressed, the sharp edges are dulled, and it is easier to release or let go of the bad feeling. If we only express our beliefs about the event and not the feelings, the bad feelings linger and are often harder to release. Whenever someone says, "I feel that..." the person is about to express a belief, not a feeling.
Guidelines For Expressing Feelings
Try to be specific rather than general about how you feel. Consistently using only one or two words to say how you are feeling, such as bad or upset, is too vague and general. What kind of bad or upset? (irritated, mad, anxious, afraid, sad, hurt, lonely, etc.).
Specify the degree of the feelings, and you will reduce the chances of being misunderstood. For example, some people may think when you say, "I am angry" means you are extremely angry when you actually mean a "little irritated".
When expressing anger or irritation, first describe the specific behavior you don’t like, then your feelings. This helps to prevent the other person from becoming immediately defensive or intimidated when they first hear "I am angry with you", and they could miss the message.
If you have mixed feelings, say so, and express each feeling and explain what each feeling is about. For example: "I have mixed feelings about what you just did. I am glad and thankful that you helped me, but I didn’t like the comment about being stupid. It was disrespectful and unnecessary and I found it irritating".
Techniques for Expressing Feelings
The two following - I feel statements and I messages will help you:
Express feelings productively.
Respectfully confront someone when you are bothered by his or her behavior.
Express difficult feelings without attacking the self-esteem of the person.
Clarify for you and the other person precisely what you feel.
Prevent feelings from building up and festering into a bigger problem.
Communicate difficult feelings in a manner that minimizes the other person’s need to become defensive, and increases the likelihood that the person will listen.
When you first start using these techniques they will be cumbersome and awkward to apply, and not very useful if you only know them as techniques. However, if you practice these techniques and turn them into skills, it will be easy for you to express difficult feelings in a manner that is productive and respectful.
Which of the two methods you use for expressing your feelings should depend on your goal, the importance or difficulty of your feelings and the situation.
I feel statements are used in situations that are clear and fairly simple, when you what to express yourself and avoid a buildup of feelings without attacking or hurting the self-esteem of the other.
I messages are used in more complex situations to clarify for yourself and the other person just what you are feeling when a) you have difficult negative feelings, b) you confront someone and want them to change their behavior, and c) it is very sensitive and important that the other person accurately understand.
I Feel Statements
These statements take the form of "When you did that thing I felt this way. That thing is a behavior of the other person, and this way is your specific feelings. Here are some examples:
"I felt embarrassed when you told our friends how we are pinching pennies."
"I liked it when you helped with the dishes without being asked."
"I feel hurt and am disappointed that you forgot our anniversary".
I Messages
It is called an I message because the focus is on you, and the message is about yourself. This is in contrast to a You message which focuses on and gives a message about the other person. When using I messages you take responsibility for your own feelings, rather than accusing the other person of making you feel a certain way. A You message does not communicate a feeling, but a belief about the other person. The essence of an I message is "I have a problem", while the essence of a You message is "You have a problem".
There are four parts to an I message:
When ... Describe the person’s behavior you are reacting to in an objective, non-blameful, and non-judgmental manner.
The effects are ... Describe the concrete or tangible effects of that behavior. (This is the most important part for the other person to understand - your reaction.)
I feel ... Say how you feel. (This is the most important part to prevent a buildup of feelings.)
I’d prefer ... Tell the person what you want or what you prefer they do. You can omit this part if it is obvious.
The order in which you express these parts is usually not important. Here are some examples:
" When you take company time for your personal affairs and then don’t have time to finish the urgent work I give you, I get furious. I want you to finish the company’s work before you work on your personal affairs."
"I lose my concentration when you come in to ask a question, and I don’t like it. Please don’t interrupt me when I am working unless it is urgent."
"It is very hard for me to keep our place neat and clean when you leave your clothes and other stuff laying around. It creates a lot more work for me and it takes a lot longer, and I get resentful about it. I’d prefer that you put your clothes away and put your trash in the basket."
"I resent it when your flirting with the women keeps you from having time for your work, because it means more work for me."
Common Mistakes
Not expressing a feeling at all, expressing a belief or judgment.
Sending a disguised You message.
Only expressing negative feelings.
The nonverbal body language contradicting the words. For example, smiling when irritated.
Practice these techniques and turn them into useful skills. Make it easy for yourself to spontaneously express difficult feelings in a manner that is productive and respectful.
If you are having trouble coming up with more than 3 or 4 words for feelings, here is a Feelings Word List.
Feelings Word List
Positive Feelings
loved, adored, idolized, alive, wanted, lustful, worthy, pity, respected, empathy, awed, enthusiastic, zealous, courageous
enchanted, ardor, infatuated, tender, vibrant, independent, capable, happy , proud, gratified, worthy, sympathetic, important, concerned, appreciated, consoled, delighted, eager, optimistic, joyful, courage, hopeful, valiant, brave, brilliant
liked, cared for, esteemed, affectionate, fond, excited, patient, strong, gay, inspired, anticipating, amused, yearning, popular, peaceful, appealing, determined, pleased, excited, jolly, relieved, glad, adventurous, peaceful, intelligent
friendly, regarded, benevolent, wide awake, at-ease, relaxed, comfortable, content, keen, amazed, alert, sure, attractive, approved, untroubled, graceful, turned on, warm, amused, daring, comfortable, smart, interested
Negative Feelings
unpopular, listless, moody, lethargic, gloomy, dismal, discontented, tired, indifferent, unsure, impatient, dependent, unimportant, regretful, bashful, puzzled, self-conscious, edgy, upset, reluctant, timid, mixed-up, sullen, provoked
suspicious, envious, enmity, aversion, dejected, unhappy, bored, forlorn, disappointed, wearied, inadequate, ineffectual, helpless, resigned, apathetic, shy, uncomfortable, baffled, confused, nervous, tempted, tense, worried, perplexed, troubled, disdainful, contemptuous, alarmed, annoyed, provoked
disgusted, resentful, bitter, detested, fed-up, frustrated, sad, depressed, sick, dissatisfied, fatigued, worn-out, useless, weak, hopeless, forlorn, rejected, guilty, embarrassed, inhibited, bewildered, frightened, anxious, dismayed, apprehensive, disturbed, antagonistic, vengeful, indignant, mad, torn
hate, unloved, abhor, despised, angry, hurt, miserable, pain, lonely, cynical, worthless, impotent, futile, accursed, abandoned, estranged, degraded, humiliated, shocked, panicky, trapped, horrified, afraid, scared, terrified, threatened, infuriated, furious, exhausted
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